Kajeet mobile phones are a great option for families who are considering a first cell phone — I call them “cell phones with training wheels.” If you want to get your tween a mobile phone but you’re worried about safety and usage, this phone is a great way to ease you and your child into the technology and the responsibilities that come with it.
Our family discovered Kajeet a few years ago, when we were looking for a phone for our then 12-year-old daughter. At a new school and playing on a basketball team with games and practices all over the place, my husband and I wanted her to have a way to call home if she needed to but we weren’t quite ready to let her have have her own phone. The company’s pay-as-you-go service and the parenting controls were a great solution for our family.
When our daughter entered high school, we switched her over to our family mobile plan—and “took the training wheels off” her cell phone. Our youngest daughter is 11-years-old and now she has a Kajeet cell phone. Just like her sister, we are taking it slowly, so she can learn how to use a cell phone responsibly.
Kajeet makes communicating with a cell phone easy and safe for kids thanks to a variety of free parental controls. Mom and Dad can block calls, picture messaging, and text messaging. The phone lets parents determine when, how and how much it can be used by their children.
The company was founded by three fathers, who wanted a service their tweens could use. Kajeet CEO Daniel Neal says they designed the service as dads first:
Thinking of our own kids, we designed a service to provide them with everything they need to safely explore the exciting new world of mobile tech.
Find out more about Kajeet on their website, Kajeet.com.
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